Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rat Face

So today we had a reminder of the not-so-pretty side of organic pest control. Various animals are quite beneficial when it comes to keeping our rodent population in check. As someone with lots of fruit trees, vegetables and a compost pile, I am extraordinarily appreciative of our friends. That being said finding a rat face in our driveway was not the most pleasant reminder of organic pest control. Here is how the conversation went:

Eric: Diana, before you go outside I need to warn you that there is a rat face in our driveway.
Me: What? Don't you mean a rat head... or something?
Eric: No, really it's just the face.
Me: (confused) How does a predator leave just the face?
(Goes to look)
Me: Wow and gross. It is just the face. I guess this is a good thing...

Note: Sometimes it is a good thing that my camera is not functional.


At July 28, 2009 at 12:27 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think maybe the teeth are too crunchy to eat.

Or maybe the cat is just letting us know that it's earning its keep.


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